====== Nickname ====== ==== Nicknames thru our Content Management Interface - How to make cool gradient nicknames! ==== The **Nicknames** page provides a detailed guide on assigning and using nicknames within the Zodiac Minecraft server. It covers both player-chosen and system-generated nicknames, explaining how they function, how they appear in-game, and their role in personalizing the player experience. 1. [[https://minecraft.menu/minecraft-rgb-generator|https://minecraft.menu/minecraft-rgb-generator]] Use this website or any other that have a color format tab. 2. Go to the color format tab on the left and select "custom format" {{:screenshot2025-02-10161210.png?nolink&453x409}} 3. Copy this code into the custom format tab {#$1$2$3$4$5$6$f}&L$c for bold nicknames or {#$1$2$3$4$5$6$f}$c for non-bold nicknames. {{:screenshot2025-02-10161311.png?nolink&347x105}} 4. Select colors/hex code and any other setting you would like. {{:screenshot2025-02-10161358.png?nolink&424x657}} 5. Type in your nickname in the message tab. {{:screenshot2025-02-10161418.png?nolink&1261x153}} 6. Copy the output. {{:screenshot2025-02-10161437.png?nolink&1221x209}} 7. Go onto the server and type in /nick then press "paste". 8. Enjoy your cool new nickname!!!