====== QuickShop ====== **What is QuickShop?** QuickShop is a simple yet powerful shop plugin that allows you and other players to create a new shop quick and easy. {{ :plugins:422ff6b9230a82f174a6903563f5a52d1b7b91b1.png?600 |}} ===== How to create a shop ===== - To create a shop, place down a chest and left-click it with the amount of items you want to sell. - For example: If I want to sell 16 diamonds will I need to hold 16 diamonds in my hand and left-click the chest with it. - You will then be prompted to type in the chat, how much you would like to sell this item for. - After you completed those steps should an item be displayed on top (Can be toggled off in the configuration) and a sign with info be placed on the side of the chest. - A Shop may not be created if there is no space around the chest to place down a sign. ===== Commands ===== * /qs buy - Quickshop under crosshairs becomes a buying shop. * /qs sell - Quickshop under crosshairs becomes a selling shop. * /qs price - Quickshop under crosshairs now buys/sells at . * /qs find - Find nearest quickshop selling . * /qs info - Show QuickShop information. * /qs create [item] - Command to create the shop with item in hand or specified. * /qs setowner - Change the Shop Owner. * /qs staff - Manage staff in your shop. * /qs staff add - Add a player as staff to your shop. * /qs staff del - Remove a player as staff from your shop. * /qs staff clear - Remove all staff-members from your shop. * /qs staff list - Show all current staff-members of your shop.